How a Chinese malware gang defrauded Facebook users of $4 million

How a Chinese malware gang defrauded Facebook users of $4 million

At the Virus Bulletin 2020 security conference today, members of the Facebook security team have disclosed more details about one of the most sophisticated malware operations that has ever targeted Facebook users.

Known internally at Facebook as SilentFade, this malware gang was active between late 2018 and February 2019, when Facebook’s security team detected their presence and intervened to stop their attacks.

SilentFade utilized a combination of a Windows trojan, browser injections, clever scripting, and a bug in the Facebook platform, showing a sophisticated modus operandi rarely seen with malware gangs targeting Facebook’s platform.

The purpose of SilentFade’s operations was to infect users with the trojan, hijack the users’ browsers, and steal passwords and browser cookies so they could access Facebook accounts.

Once they had access, the group searched for accounts that had any type of payment method attached to their profile. For these accounts, SilentFade bought Facebook ads with the victim’s funds…Read more>>

