Trump Returns to Oval Office While Infected With Coronavirus

Trump Returns to Oval Office While Infected With Coronavirus

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, who announced he tested positive for the coronavirus less than a week ago, returned to the Oval Office on Wednesday.

According to the White House, Trump was being briefed on Hurricane Delta in the Gulf of Mexico and stimulus talks, which he has delivered conflicting messages about this week. The president returned from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to the White House on Monday evening where he removed his mask and posed for photos.

Chief of staff Mark Meadows told reporters at the White House on Wednesday that if Trump “decides to go to the Oval, we’ve got safety protocols there.”

Trump’s doctor on Wednesday released a statement on the president’s health, saying he reports feeling great and has no coronavirus symptoms.

Lab work from Monday detected antibodies in Trump’s system that were not detectable as of last Thursday, Dr. Sean Conley said. However, Trump was administered an experimental antibody combination from Regeneron last week, and Conley did not address what role that treatment could play in the lab results.

A Regeneron spokeswoman told The New York Times that “given the volume of IgG antibodies delivered in our therapy, and the timing of these tests, it is likely that the second test is detecting” antibodies from the treatment.

Trump’s current treatment regimen is unclear. He was scheduled to receive a final dose of remdesivir on Tuesday, but his doctor did not mention the treatment in his brief updates Tuesday or Wednesday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention generally recommends a person who had coronavirus can resume being around others 10 days after symptom onset if they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the help of medication and other symptoms are improving.

